Caloplaca obamae

Caloplaca obamae is a Krustenflechtenart of the genus Caloplaca. The species is found only on the California Channel Island Santa Rosa Iceland in the Pacific. She was discovered described and named in 2007 by Kerry Knudsen and in March 2009.


The lichen is the first living creature, that was named after Barack Obama, the President of the United States of America. Knudsen wanted to acknowledge the support of science and education according to his statement Obama. The description Knudsen wrote in the period between the election and Obama's inauguration.


Caloplaca obamae produce a thin thallus disposed in orange granules of 30 to 50 micrometers in diameter, forming spots of 0.2 to 1 millimeters in diameter. It may cover a bottom surface of a maximum of 6-7 square centimeters. Your algae layer is thick not pass through and among the grains 50 to 100 microns. The lichen appears to be sterile, producing no ascospores. Apothecia found in some copies may also originate from the obamae with Caloplaca socialized type Caloplaca ludificans. A similar in appearance Caloplaca obamae type is Caloplaca xanthostigmoidea.

Way of life

Caloplaca obamae is endemic on the north side of Santa Rosa Iceland, on clayey soils in the Pleistocene marine terraces incurred in centuries intensively grazed grasslands. It was probably brought to the brink of extinction through the establishment of cattle ranches. It is believed that the stocks can recover after removal introduced by man animal populations.
