Canton of Coursan

The canton is located in the district Coursan Narbonne in the Aude department in the Languedoc- Roussillon region. Its main town is Coursan.

The canton is 180.69 km ² and has 20,238 inhabitants ( 1999), which corresponds to a population density of 112 inhabitants per km ². He is on average 15 meters above sea level, between sea level and 200 meters in Coursan in Gruissan.


The canton consists of 7 municipalities:


Alaigne | Alzonne | Axat | Belcaire | Belpech | Capendu | Carcassonne 1 | Carcassonne -2- Nord | Carcassonne -2 -Sud | Carcassonne 3 | Castelnaudary - Nord | Castelnaudary -Sud | Chalabre | Conques- sur- Orbiel | Couiza | Coursan | Durban -Corbières | Fanjeaux | Ginestas | Lagrasse | Lézignan -Corbières | Limoux | Mas -Cabardès | Montréal | Mouthoumet | Narbonne- Est | Narbonne- Ouest | Narbonne Sud | Peyriac -Minervois | Quillan | Saint- Hilaire | Saissac | Salles- sur -l'Hers | Sigean | Tuchan

  • Canton in the Aude department