Carlos Barral

Carlos Barral y Agesta, in Catalan Carlos Barral i Agesta, ( born 1928 in Barcelona, † December 12, 1989 in Barcelona) was a Spanish poet, translator, publisher and politician.


Barral studied post-school first law, but then took a job as a translator, and translated works by Rainer Maria Rilke and Léon Poliakov into Spanish.

In 1955 he founded his own publishing house Seix Barral, which also Pink Regàs worked. His publishing house published in particular books of Spanish and Latin American authors such as Jorge Enrique Adoum, Claribel Alegría, José Bianco, Griselda Gambaro, Carlos Gorostiza, Luis Martín -Santos, Carlos Montemayor, Ernesto Sabato, Pedro Salinas, Alfonso Sastre and Marta Traba. In addition, the publisher awarded from 1958 to 1972 and again since 1999, the Biblioteca Breve Prize for Literature. He was also a publisher and promoter of writers such as Max Aub, which he with Manuel Tuñón de Lara allowed an extended trip through Spain in late 1969.

In addition, he was himself a poet and belonged next to Jaime Gil de Biedma José Agustín Goytisolo and the main exponent of the self-proclaimed Escuela de Barcelona. His poetry collections include Las aguas reiteradas (1952 ), Metropolitano (1957 ), Diecinueve figuras de mi historia civil ( 1961), Usuras (1965 ), Figuración y fuga (1966 ), Informe personal sobre el alba (1970), Usuras y figuraciones (1973 ), Lecciones de cosas: Veinte poemas para el nieto Malcolm (1986 ), Antología poética (1989 ) and posthumously Poesía completa (1998).

In 1982 he was a candidate of the Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya ( PSC) elected as a member of the Senate of the Cortes Generales and represented the constituency there Tarragona. Most recently, he was from 1984 to 1989 and Member of the European Parliament and represented in this, the Partido Socialista Obrero Español ( PSOE).


  • Sonetos a Orfeo. Translation of Rilke's Sonnets to Orpheus. Rialp Ediciones, Madrid 1954.
  • El Tercer Reich y los Judíos. Translation of Poliakov The Third Reich and its Jews. Seix Barral, Barcelona 1960.
  • Of Catalunya del mar - pel car de fora, with photographs by Xavier Miserachs. Travelogues, Ed. 62, Barcelona 1982, ISBN 84-297-1917-2.
  • You came, Bird, Heart, in flight: Spanish poetry of the present ( Poems 1950-2000 ). posthumously, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main, 2004.

Pictures of Carlos Barral
