Centaurium pulchellum

Small Centaury ( Centaurium pulchellum )

The small centaury ( Centaurium pulchellum; Syn: Erythraea pulchella ), also Petite centaury, is a dwarf species in the family of gentian plants.


The annual plant is between two and 15 inches tall. The basal leaves do not form a rosette in contrast to the other native to Central Europe Tausendgüldenkräutern. The ganzrandigen stem leaves are decussate. The grounds of the pink inflorescence is formed task troublesome already at lower levels in the nominate form. The main flowering period is from July to September, the five-part (rarely four-part ) and up to 8 mm large single flowers open only in sunshine.


The strictly protected Small Centaury is particularly naturally widespread in most of Europe in coastal areas with the exception of northern Scandinavia, but the occurrences are impermanent. It is scattered in front on sunny, moist to wet-dry, often gravelly - sandy and calcareous or saline sites at altitudes of over 800 meters. Communitarized Centaurium pulchellum is often associated with species of dwarf Bins companies.
