Charles Tart

Charles T. Tart ( born April 29, 1937 in Morrisville, Pennsylvania) is an American psychologist and a co-founder of transpersonal psychology.


Charles Tart grew up in Trenton, New Jersey. He studied electrical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, before he decided to convert to become a psychologist. He received his doctorate in 1963 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and worked in hypnosis research with Ernest Hilgard at Stanford University.

In 1966 he became professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis. There he taught 28 years until his retirement in 1994. Since he is a member of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, California. In 1987, Tart was also a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Noetic Sciences in Sausalito.

Tart was the first owner of the Bigelow Chair of Consciousness Studies at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He has worked as a visiting professor in East-West Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, as well as a teacher in psychiatry at the Medical Faculty of the University of Virginia and as a consultant for government-owned parapsychological research at the Stanford Research Institute.


Tart has become internationally known for his research into the nature of consciousness and its various states and investigations into parapsychology.


  • Psychologist
  • Transpersonal Psychology
  • University teachers (Las Vegas )
  • University teachers (Palo Alto)
  • University teachers ( University of California, Davis)
  • Americans
  • Born in 1937
  • Man