Church of the Pater Noster

The Paternoster Church ( Our Father 's Church ) is a Roman Catholic church building in Jerusalem. It is located on the Mount of Olives at the place where Jesus Christ is said to have taught his disciples the Lord's Prayer Prayer.

Was located at the present site of the Paternoster Church previously a church from the time of Constantine, which was destroyed by the Persians in 614. The plot, which is considered the birthplace of the Lord's Prayer since the Crusader period, was acquired in 1868 by the French Princess Aurelie de La Tour d' Auvergne. 1874/75 was the present church, which is supervised by the French Carmelite nuns.

On the walls of the vestibule and the cloister of majolica are attached to the text of the Lord's Prayer in 140 languages; German can be found in the southern cloister. Inside the church there are also plates with the Lord's Prayer in Braille in major languages ​​like German, English and French.
