City of Belmont

- 31.95115.91666666667Koordinaten: 31 ° 57 ' S, 115 ° 55' O The City of Belmont is a Local Government Area ( LGA) in the Australian state of Western Australia. Belmont belongs to the city of Perth, the capital of Western Australia. The area is 40 km ² in size and has about 30,000 inhabitants.

Belmont is located south of the Swan River about 6 km east of the center of Perth. The area includes the districts of Ascot, Belmont, Cloverdale, Kewdale, Redcliffe and Riverdale, as well as Perth Airport. The seat of the City Council is in the Belmont neighborhood in the western half of the LGA, where about 5100 inhabitants.


The Belmont Council has 11 members. They are (three from East, South, West and two from the Central Ward ) elected by the inhabitants of the four Wards. From the circle of Councillor also the chairman and Mayor ( Mayor ) of the Council recruited.

