CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B

The Unicode block Unified CJK Ideographs, Extension B (English: CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B ) is a block in the Unicode standard. It was introduced with version 3.2. The terms " Ideographs " in the original or " ideograms " in the translation are misleading because the scriptures thus shown are not strictly term writings ( cf. ideography ).

When the first CJK block was introduced, Unicode had to take due to the former limitation of 216 (65536) characters no interest in characters that are no longer in use. This changed with the expansion of the name space at 16 plan, which was enough space available to hold old CJK ideographs in the Unicode standard. The seven CJK countries China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Hong Kong and Macao have submitted requests for encoding of many old and rare characters, especially characters for chu nom, and characters from ancient dynasties (such as the Yuan Dynasty ). At the end of the recording period and the standardization process 42,711 characters were summarized for coding.

There was some criticism of the quality control, thus very similar or even identical part numbers have been accepted for coding. Then, the Unicode Consortium has announced plans to improve control proposed CJK ideographs in the future.

Due to the size of this block, the character table is divided among:

  • Unicode block of CJK Unified Ideographs, Extension B/20000 to 21FFF
  • Unicode block of CJK Unified Ideographs, Extension B/22000 to 23FFF
  • Unicode block of CJK Unified Ideographs, Extension B/24000 to 25FFF
  • Unicode block of CJK Unified Ideographs, Extension B/26000 to 27FFF
  • Unicode block of CJK Unified Ideographs, Extension B/28000 to 2A6DF

