Comondú Municipality

25 - 112Koordinaten: 25 ° 0 ' N, 112 ° 0' W

The municipality ( municipio ) Comondú is located in the center of the Mexican state of Baja California Sur. The municipality had a total of 70 816 inhabitants for 2010 census. Capital is Ciudad Constitucion.

The Spanish Missions of San José de San Luis Gonzaga Comondú and are also located in this county. A sight that Rocas Alijos, a row of tiny rocky islands, located about 300 km west of the coast and also still belong to the municipality as the Isla San Diego in the Gulf of California.

The municipality borders the Municipalities Comondú Loreto, La Paz and Mulege and the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of California.

Administrative divisions

The municipality is divided into eight delegaciones. These can be broken down further subdelegaciones in 33.

