Constitution of Belgium

The Constitution of the Kingdom of Belgium is still valid, as amended Constitution of Belgium on 7 February 1831st

Formation and development

After the independence from the United Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Belgian Revolution of 1830, the new Belgian government announced in 1831 a constitution. The Belgian Constitution was modeled on the Dutch Constitution of 1814 and looks like this in front of a parliamentary monarchy. Since its creation, it has undergone several fundamental changes in part; the last constitutional amendment is the (according to another opinion: in a decentralized unitary state ) of 1994 by the Belgian unitary state into a federal state was transformed.

The Belgian Constitution was itself a model for many European constitutions of the 19th and 20th centuries. Even the Iranian Constitution of 1906, with some changes since the Constitutional Revolution to the Islamic Revolution in 1979 had validity, the Belgian constitution served as a model. The German practice of adopting the state budget in the form of a law (domestic law ), rather than to decide it by simple Act of Parliament can be traced through the Prussian constitution to the Belgian constitution of 1831.


Pictures of Constitution of Belgium
