Crunch (exercise)

The term ( classical ) crunches ( or English. Crunches ) refers to a practice that is used to train the abdominal muscles. It is recommended as a better alternative to sit-ups, as it is essential to carry out gentle and harmless. Trauma of the spine are avoided. Crunches protect the spine, as the hip occupies an ideal position by the lifted and angled position of the legs, where it is positioned that the spine is very straight. This protects the intervertebral discs and vertebrae in the lumbar region.

General Exercise

The exercise begins with the same posture as in the sit-up; So lying on your back, knees bent, to avoid a hollow back. One should have a leg, torso angle of about 90 ° to a maximum of 100 °. In the same ratio to the angle between the hamstrings and calf muscles should also be 90 ° to 100 °. Are the legs in this position, the hip flexor is largely blocked in his work, in order to avoid excessive training this muscle. The hands are here to keep the head. For optimal posture in the upper body, the hands are placed with the fingertips behind the ears to the head. The arms are automatically bent. The now angled arms should be kept as far out as possible, depending on the elasticity of the person. Okay it when the elbows are at about the height of the shoulders. This attitude of the arms and legs allows the load to focus exclusively on the abdominal muscles. Course assumes a correct version: Now you draw using the abdominal muscles upper back a bit to the front top. With this movement of the head (not curved spine ) held preferably in a neutral position. To ensure that the lower back stays on the ground, the legs must constantly maintain their angled position without shifting. The abdominal muscles can help, too, by attempting to move easily in the contraction. Once you've now reached the furthest distance between personally floor / base and the upper back (this is dependent on the mobility of the person performing ), the movement is carried out retrospectively. It is particularly important to make sure that the slight drop of the upper back, the abdominal muscles are not completely relaxed, but remains slightly under tension and, above all, that the lower back does not fall into a hollow back position. When you execute the exercise should also be paid to the breathing. When lifting the upper back should be exhaled to achieve the highest tension of Baumuskulatur because inhalation the diaphragm would press down and thereby compress the internal organs, which are located in the abdomen. These would press against the abdominal muscles, which guarantees an optimal tension / contraction of the muscles would stand in the way. Therefore, inhalation only in the " relaxation phase ", ie, taking place during the deposition of the upper back.


The abdominal pressure is a basic type that allows many variations. A more difficult variant, for example, the Beetle.


  • Ute Witt, Arne Weychardt: The best exercises in the world. Rowohlt Paperback -Verlag, Reinbek, ISBN 3-499-61582-7.

Squat ( Squat ) • leg press ( leg press) • Lunge ( lung) • Leg extension ( leg extension)

Deadlifts ( deadlift ) • hull upright - standing (Good -morning ) • leg curl ( leg curl )

Wade presses ( calf raise)

Chin ( chin -up ) • Curl ( biceps curl )

Bench Press - Close Grip (close -grip bench press ) • Ingots support ( Dip ) • Triceps ( pushdown ) • Front Press (French Press)

Hand bend ( Wrist curl )

Bench press ( bench press) • Butterfly ( Chest Fly) • Push-ups ( push-up )

Sit-ups ( sit-up ) • jackknife ( jackknife ) • crunches ( crunch ) • Beetles (Bicycle crunch ) • Leg raise ( leg raise) • Front support (front plank ) • side support (side plank )

Handstand push ups ( handstand push-up ) • Upright rowing ( Upright row) • Shoulder press ( Shoulder press ) • Lateral raise ( shoulder fly) • Front Raises (front raise)

Bent over rowing ( Bent -over row) • Seated Rowing ( Seated row) • Pull-up ( pull-up ) • pulldowns (pull -down) • Shrug ( Shrug )

Standwaage ( Airplane pose ) • deadlifts ( deadlift ) • Front support (front plank ) • hull upright - standing (Good -morning ) • Hyper Extension ( Superman )

See also:

Calisthenics • weight training • strength training • Bodybuilding • Weight lifting •

  • Weight Training
  • Training exercise