

Dangyang (当阳市/当阳市) is a county-level city in Hubei Province in the southeast of the People's Republic of China. It belongs to the administrative territory of the prefecture-level city of Yichang. Dangyang has an area of 2,159 km ² and around 485,715 inhabitants ( end of 2004).

Administrative Divisions

At the community level, Danyang is composed of three road districts and seven large municipalities. These are:

  • Road district Yuyang (玉 阳 街道), 120.9 km ², population 99 144, center, seat of the city government;
  • Road district Baling (坝 陵 街道), 168.2 km ², population 55 111;
  • Street Yuquan District (玉泉 街道), 265 km ², population 44 217;
  • Greater community Lianghe (两 河镇), 90.3 km ², 36,346 inhabitants;
  • Greater community Herong (河 溶 镇), 221.5 km ², population 58 120;
  • Greater community Yuxi (淯 溪镇), 374.3 km ², population 55 366;
  • Greater community Miaoqian (庙前 镇), 332.2 km ², population 40 615;
  • Greater community Wangdian (王 店镇), 264.9 km ², population 39 603;
  • Greater community Banyue (半月 镇), 217.3 km ², population 31 978;
  • Greater community Caobuhu (草 埠 湖镇), 97.8 km ², 25,215 inhabitants.


In the year 219, the second last year of the Han dynasty general Guan Yu was killed near the town of May. His head was brought to Cao Cao, who did make a wooden body of Guan Yu and bury at Luoyang. The real body of Guan Yu but was buried in Dangyang. Later in the Sui Dynasty Guan Yu was much honored, finally in 1536 in the Ming Dynasty a large temple, the Guanling him has been erected. This tomb is still preserved and most important attraction of the city.

Chang Yang - Dangyang - Dianjun - Wufeng - Wujiagang - Xiaoting - Xiling - Xingshan - Yidu - Yiling - Yuan'an - Zhijiang - Zigui

  • Location in Hubei
  • District-free city (China)