DanutÄ— of Lithuania

Danuta Anna ( Lithuanian Ona Danute; * 1358, † May 25, 1448 ) was the daughter of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Kiejstut and Princess Biruta.

Danuta Anna married the princes of Mazovia Janusz I. starszy probably in the year 1373rd The marriage was preceded by the baptism of the Lithuanian Princess, her godfather was the German Crusaders Günter von Hohenstein. It was probably baptized during their stay in Lithuania. The marriage of Janusz I. and Anna Danuta is estimated in Polish history as the longest -lasting marriage of the Piast dynasty.

The Princess of Mazovia had three or four children

  • Unknown (? Olga ) (* 1373-1376; † around 1401 ), since 1388 married with the Moldova Hospodar Piotr I.
  • Janusz Młodszy ( * before 1383, † 1422 ),
  • Bolesław Januszowic ( * before 1386, † 1420 to 1425 ),
  • Konrad Januszowic (* before 1400, † before 1429)

Princess Anna Danuta was buried in the Dominican church of Warka, which burned down in 1650. In 1859 he was transferred her remains in the Franciscan church of Warka ( Parafia Matki Bożej Szkaplerznej w Warce ).

In the historical novel by Henryk Sienkiewicz The Crusaders she is described as Lithuanian princess Anna Danuta, where she is guardian of the maid of honor and singer Danusia of Spychów.
