
A Dazan (Russian and Mongolian Дацан, English datsan ) is a Buddhist monastic university ( monastery place of education) in the Tibetan Gelug tradition in Mongolia, Tibet and Siberia.


In vorrevulutionären Russia Dazane existed only in the Buryat territories that are part of the Republic of Buryatia and Transbaikalia region today (a series Dazane have been rebuilt in the earlier 1990s or re-opened ). Here there was a difference to the Tibetan administration principle: In Tibet, was a significant part of the training centered Dazane parts of larger organizations, the Drepung, Ganden and Sera in the Gelug tradition. In Russia Dazane were not part of a larger institution, but relatively independent educational and religious centers. In Buryat Buddhismis the terms " Buddhist monastery " and " Dazan " are interchangeable, as other monastic forms of organization, as they are elsewhere to be found in Tibetan Buddhism, were not available.


In general, a Dazan operates two schools, one each (Buddhist ) philosophy and ( Tibetan ) medicine. In some cases, a faculty of tantric practice is added, in which the monks can study after finishing their philosophical training.


Unique temple dedicated to specific aspects of the Buddha on the Dazan grounds are called Dugan. For example, his " healing Buddha" present a Mamba Dugan for the worship of Bhaisajyaguru, the.

Dazane in Mongolia

  • Manba - Dazan (Mongolian Мамба дацан, also Манба дацан; Manba English datsan, even Mamba datsan )

List of Dazanen in Russia

Dazane were officially recognized in the Russian Empire in 1734. By statute of 1853, there were two recognized Dazane in the government of Irkutsk, and other government Transbaikalia. The first Dazan in Europe was the Gunsetschoinei - Dazan in Saint Petersburg.

Between 1927 and 1948, all 47 existing in Buryatia and Transbaikalia Dazane were closed or destroyed. 1945 Ivolginsky Dazan was reopened, and much later the Aginer Dazan became operational again. The remaining listed below Dazane were not reopened before 1989.

  • Aginer Dazan ( Агинский Дацан ) in Aga
  • Aninski - Dazan ( Анинский дацан ) near Chorinsk
  • Baldan - Breibun - Dazan ( Дацан Балдан Брэйбун ) in Murotschi ( Мурочи )
  • Chambyn - Chure - Dazan ( Улан - Удэнский дацан ( Хамбын - Хурэ ) ) in Ulan- Ude
  • Choimorski - Dazan ( Хойморский дацан ) in Arschan
  • Egitui - Dazan ( Эгитуйский Дацан )
  • Gunsetschoinei - Dazan ( Дацан Гунзэчойнэй ) in Saint Petersburg
  • Ivolginsky Dazan ( Иволгинский Дацан ) in Verkhnaya Iwolga ( Верхняя Иволга )
  • Kischinga - Dazan ( Кижингинский Дацан ) in Kischinga
  • Kurumkaner Dazan ( Курумканский Дацан ) in Kurumkan
  • Cyrenians Dazan ( Кыренский дацан ) in Kyren
  • Okin Dazan ( Окинский дацан ) in Orlik
  • Sanaga - Dazan ( Санагинский Дацан ) in Sanaga
  • Sartul - Gegetui - Dazan ( Сартул - Гэгэтуйский дацан ) in Gegetui ( Гэгэтуй )
  • Tamtschinski - Dazan ( Тамчинский дацан ) in Gussinoosjorsk
  • Czech Saner Dazan ( Чесанский дацан ) in Tschesan ( Чесан )
  • Tugnuiski - Dazan ( Тугнуйский дацан ) in Muchorschibir
  • Ugdanski - Dazan ( Угданский дацан ) near Chita
  • Ust- Ordynski - Dazan ( Усть - Ордынский ( Абатанатский ) дацан ) in Ust- Ordynski
  • Zugoler Dazan ( Цугольский дацан ) in Zugol ( Цугол )