David Chung (footballer)

David Chung ( born July 13, 1962 in Malaysia) is since 2004 the current President of the Papua New Guinea Football Association -.

In 1984 he emigrated to Papua New Guinea and was elected president of the national football association in 2004. Instead of Reynald Temarii he was in 2011 elected president of the Oceania Football Confederation and used on 1 June as Vice President of the FIFA Executive Committee.


President Sepp Blatter | Senior Vice President Julio Grondona | Vice President Issa Hayatou | Ángel María Villar | Michel Platini | David Chung | Ali bin al - Hussein | Jim Boyce | Jeffrey Webb | Members: Michel D' Hooghe | Şenes Erzik | Worawi Makudi | Marios Lefkaritis | Jacques Anouma | Rafael Salguero | Hany Abo Rida | Vitaly Mutko | Mohamed Raouraoua | Theo Zwanziger | Zhang Jilong | Marco del Nero | Sunil Gulati | Lydia Nsekera | Eugenio Figueredo | Salman bin Ibrahim Al Khalifa

  • Football official (FIFA)
  • Born in 1962
  • Man
  • Papua New Guineans