Dignitatis humanae

After Incipit Dignitatis Humanae, the Declaration of the Second Vatican Council is quoted on religious freedom. This short document, the text of which you can still points out the long, difficult history, was one of the most competitive and perhaps most potent statements of the Council.

Something cocky was the self-correction of the Catholic doctrine of the state, it contains, as a "revolution" characterized ( by Yves Congar so ). Since this document retraces primarily a development that had evolved gradually in the coexistence of peoples ever since the Reformation, today many marvel only about the fact that I still officially in force before 1965 for Catholicism to claim privileges in the State, on the truth of his religion would be supported. However, these privileges had existed at the time of the council only partially in Italy (until 1984 ), Portugal ( to 1974 ) and Spain ( until 1976 ).

No object of Dignitatis Humanae is the religious supremacy of the Church ad intra, which will continue to be emphasized, for example, Lumen Gentium (especially No. 14) in the document. This is, however, concentrated and separated from public claims to the spiritual realm. The so-called World Mission of the Church, so you claim, " have a say " in the things of this world to be allowed, ad extra, was even expanded by Gaudium et Spes, the Pastoral Constitution of the Council.


  • Official German translation

Constitutions: Dei Verbum | Gaudium et Spes | Lumen Gentium | Sacrosanctum Concilium

Regulations: Ad Gentes | Apostolicam Actuositatem | Christus Dominus | Inter Mirifica | Optatam Totius | Orientalium Ecclesiarum | Perfectae Caritatis | Presbytero Ordinis | Unitatis redintegratio

Explanations: Dignitatis Humanae | Gravissimum Educationis | Nostra Aetate

  • History of Christianity ( Modern )
  • Council document of the Second Vatican Council