
Corsican Disc- ( Discoglossus montalentii )

The authentics Disc- ( Discoglossus ) are a genus within the family of Disc- ( Discoglossidae ) and mainly in countries and islands in the Western Mediterranean Europe and North West Africa is home. In addition, earlier also included Israel and possibly Syria to the area of ​​distribution. These amphibians have a relatively smooth and quite colorful skin and keep on near and in water. From the genuine frogs, these "lower" Anura differ, among other things by a vertically oval pupil and the arrangement of the palatine teeth behind them - not between - are the internal nares. In addition, her tongue is disc-shaped and almost completely fused with the oral cavity floor. This is indicated not only the German and the scientific genus name Discoglossus which translates as " wheel tongue " means. The eardrum is externally often not clear.


  • Discoglossus galganoi Capula, Nascetti, Lanza, Bullini & Crespo, 1985 - Iberian Disc-
  • Discoglossus jeanneae Busack, 1986 - Cadiz - Disc-
  • Discoglossus montalentii Lanza, Nascetti, Capula & Bullini, 1984 - Corsican Disc-
  • Discoglossus nigriventer Mendelssohn & Steinitz, 1943 - Israeli Disc-
  • Discoglossus pictus Otth, 1837 - Painted Disc-
  • Discoglossus sardus Tschudi in Otth, 1837 - Sardinian Disc-
  • Discoglossus scovazzi Camerano, 1878 - Moroccan Disc-

The Moroccan Disc- has been treated until recently as a subspecies of the Painted Scheibenzünglers. Biological systematics of the genus Discoglossus on the Iberian Peninsula has also undergone a fundamental reassessment end of the 20th century.

Species protection

All species are protected under the Berne Convention; as they fall as European amphibians flat rate " special protection " under the Federal Species Protection Ordinance as. Furthermore, all are at the Annex IV of the Habitats Directive ( " strictly protected species "). With the exception of D. pictus all authentics Disc- are also listed in Annex II. Behind this is that appropriate reserves are set up for such occurrences.

Dissemination of Discoglossus montalentii

Dissemination of Discoglossus pictus

Dissemination of Discoglossus sardus
