District Council of Cleve

- 33.7136.5Koordinaten: 33 ° 42 ' S, 136 ° 30' E The District Council of Cleve is a Local Government Area ( LGA) in the Australian state of South Australia. The area is 4507 km ² and has about 1,900 inhabitants.

Cleveland is on the Eyre Peninsula on the Spencer Gulf and is about 240 km as the crow from the metropolis of Adelaide. The area includes 19 districts and towns: Arno Bay, Boonerdo, Boothby, Campoona, Caralue, Cleveland, Darke, Darke Peak, Jamieson, Kielpa, man, Murlong Pascoe, Roberts, Rudall, Smeaton, Verran, Wharminda and Yadnarie. The administrative headquarters of the council is located in the town of Cleveland in the east of the LGA.


The Council of Cleveland has eight members, seven Councillor and the Chairman and Mayor ( Mayor ) of the Council are elected by the residents of the LGA. Cleveland is not divided into districts.
