Domingo Vásquez

Domingo Vásquez Toruño ( born August 3, 1846 in Tegucigalpa, Tegucigalpa † December 9, 1909 ) was on August 7, 1893 to February 22, 1894 President of Honduras.


His parents were Toruño Martina and Manuel Alcántara Emigdio Vasquez. On February 1, 1862 earned a degree in philosophy. In 1865, he completed a doctorate on civil law. In 1868 he passed the bar exam at the Universidad de Honduras.

1871 as a captain he took part in the hostilities against the president José María Medina.

In the uprising of Ponciano Leiva ( Partido Conservador de Honduras ) against the government of José María Medina 1876, he commanded the defense of Tegucigalpa. In 1877 he was sent as a representative to the government of Peru, where he represented Honduras at the Congreso Internacional de Juristas in Lima. He visited several countries in South America, the U.S. and various countries in Europe. During the government of General Luis Bogran Barahona (1883-1891), he remained abroad. With the inauguration of Ponciano Leiva on 30 November 1891 he returned to Honduras and was appointed commander of Tegucigalpa in 1894. Under the government of Rosendo Ariza Agüero ( 9 February to 18 April 1893) he was appointed government ministers.


As of April 18, 1893 Domingo Vásquez was President of Honduras. He founded the departments Cortés and Valle. He allowed elections proclaimed to legitimize his continuance in office. Parliament appointed him on September 14, 1893 by decree No. 26 for President from 1894 to 1898.


  • Minister of Government and Justice: Pedro J. Bustillo, Manuel Gamero Idiaquez.
  • Foreign Minister: Pedro J. Bustillo, Juan Antonio López, Manuel Gamero Idiaquez.
  • War and Navy Minister: Rosendo Aguero.
  • Finance Minister: Leopoldo Cordova.
  • Public ministers: Pedro J. Bustillo.
  • Minister of public works, education and agriculture: Ponciano Planas.

Revolución del 1894

Opposition of the Partido Liberal de Honduras, which was led by Policarpo Bonilla of Nicaragua, operated against his government. Domingo Vásquez received by the Parliament the power to wage war and Vásquez attacked Nicaragua, as the country's government José Santos Zelaya supported his opposition to Policarpo Bonilla, Manuel Bonilla, Miguel R. Dávila and Miguel Bustillo Oquelí. The army of Honduras was beaten in Choluteca, Tegucigalpa besieged and Domingo Vásquez government overthrown. The combined forces of the Liberal Party of Honduras and Nicaragua marched in Tegucigalpa on 22 February 1894. The Cabinet, which Rosendo Agüero board, Policarpo Bonilla presented the surrender.


From June to September 5, 1894 Vázquez made ​​a fundraising tour for a new government in Honduras through New Orleans, New York. He then traveled back to Costa Rica to his friend President Rafaes Iglesias I Castro.

After his resignation as president he was for a time in El Salvador in Europe and Asia. In 1908 he visited the United States. In 1909 he returned to Honduras.
