Dominique Bertinotti

Dominique Bertinotti ( born January 10, 1954 in Paris ) is a French history scholar, university teacher and politician of the Parti Socialiste ( PS), the Deputy Mayor since 2001 of the 4th arrondissement of Paris, and, since May 16, 2012 Minister for Families, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in the cabinet of Prime Minister Jean -Marc Ayrault is.


Study, high school teacher and archivist Mitterrand

After schooling Dominique Bertinotti studied historical sciences and was after graduation in 1977 as a history teacher, first at the Collège de l' Oise, and then at the Collège Jean -Baptiste Clément in Dugny active. In 1984 her PhD ( Doctorat de troisième cycle) to the doctor in the trade history, before 1988 their habilitation ( Doctorat d' Etat ) with René Remond, President of the elitist political science Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, with a thesis on La vision de la France chez François Mitterrand, de 1945 à 1981 à travers ses oeuvres et son action politiques completed.

After 1989, she took over as Maître de conférences a professor of contemporary history at the University of Paris VII Between 1992 and 1995 she was also during the presidency of François Mitterrand assistant in Präsidialarchiv the Elysee Palace and there editor in charge of archiving the personal writings of president on foreign and defense issues. At the same time it was from 1993 to 1997 lecturer for the analysis of historical texts at the Institut d' études politiques de Paris ( SciencesPo ) and also became actively involved between 1994 and 1995 for the establishment of a foundation, which later became the Institute François- Mitterrand emerged.

After the end of the presidency, Mitterrand she was from May 1995 until his death in January 1996 Associate in the private retirement residence in the Avenue Frederic Le Play, where she collaborated in the drafting of its work, which after his death in Éditions Odile Jacob appeared under the title De l' Allemagne, de la France et Mémoires interrompus. In addition, she was nominated by Mitterrand in 1995 to manager of the Präsidialarchivs, which grew to 10,000 boxes of documents during the fourteen- year presidency. In this capacity, she worked for the sighting of the documents containing the Archives nationales.

Subsequently, she was finally 1996-2001 Secretary General of the Institut François- Mitterrand, whose Board of Directors she has belonged since 2001.

Mayor and Minister

In addition to her career, she began in the mid 1990s with her ​​political career. After she had a candidate in 1993 without success for the Parti Socialiste for a mandate as deputy in the National Assembly in the constituency of Paris I, she was elected in the municipal elections in 1995 as a top candidate of the PS with 48 percent of the vote as a member of the city council of Paris.

2001 was their choice for mayor of the 4th arrondissement of Paris, the so-called Arrondissement de l' Hôtel de Ville, where they won the first time, this mayor with 54 percent of the vote for the political left.

In the 2007 presidential election, they actively supported the election campaign of Ségolène Royal, the presidential candidate of the PS, and was responsible during this time as a financial officer for campaign cash.

In 2008 she was re-elected with 62 percent of the vote as mayor of the 4th arrondissement of Paris. 2011, she served first as a campaign officer of Ségolène Royal in the efforts to re- nomination as a presidential candidate and was after their defeat to the campaign staff of François Hollande.

After the election of François Hollande as President and the appointment of Jean -Marc Ayrault, she was appointed as Prime Minister of this on May 16, 2012 Assistant Secretary for families in his cabinet and as such social and health minister Marisol Touraine assumed.


  • Maire Être à Paris. Téraède, Paris 2010, ISBN 978-2-912868-97-8.