Draco Dwarf

The Draco dwarf galaxy is a dwarf elliptical galaxy that is part of the local group and is a companion of the Milky Way is only 280,000 light years away. The number of stars in the Draco dwarf galaxy is estimated at about three million. It was discovered by Albert G. Wilson at the Lowell Observatory in 1954. Your name is derived from their position because they (Latin Dragon ) is in the constellation Draco.

The galaxy has been studied by Walter Baade, Henrietta Hill Swope and Paul William Hodge in 1961 and 1964 respectively on variable stars towards. Here, more than 260 stars were identified as such. Up to 5 star these were all of the type RR Lyrae. For their observations, they used the Oschin Schmidt telescope on Mount Palomar.

Recent studies of the Draco dwarf galaxy have shown a high velocity dispersion to far to the outside, and a large mass - light ratio and suggest that the galaxy is surrounded by a large halo of dark matter, which is expected to significantly exceed the size of their visible part. The Draco dwarf galaxy will remain an interesting research topic in the future in this regard and could provide further insight into the nature of dark matter.
