Drei Dschungeldetektive

Three detectives jungle is the title of a six-part puppet production of the Augsburg Puppet Theatre, under the direction of Sepp Strubel was developed in cooperation with Hessischer Rundfunk in 1991 and was first aired at the turn of 1992/1993.

Place of action

All actions play in the fictional jungle village Cocopalmariocasas the river Cocopalmario. Cocopalmariocasas can be reached only by water, and there is only one telephone in the village square. The other places where is where the village community, are the jetty at Cocopalmario and the ice cream parlor.


All the characters are presented as personalized animal figures. The main characters are the three minors Elinor, Zapp and Bubu, inform people as detectives minor criminal cases. Throughout the village live a number of other residents who are included as required in the actions. Many of the villagers enjoy singing.

The main characters are:

  • The Hippo girl Elinor is a fan of Inspector Camembert, a cartoon hero to admire in the only TV in Cocopalmariocasas in the local ice-cream parlor of Jojo. She is afraid of water and gets slightly cold.
  • The Schreitvogel Zapp is very well read, can write with the beak and makes in his workshop technical inventions. He often uses the exclamation in my head so many plays off. and Belahuahe. He avoids it fly. In one episode, he dresses up as Lady Winebeer to convict an offender.
  • The chimpanzee boy Bubu is actually called Bübü can however say that Ü only as U because of its wide mouth, and is therefore out of his aunt Madame Juliette everyone called Bubu. He lives in a tree house, has built a lift for the Zapp from a hot tub, so it can be visited by all the other villagers. He is very musical and plays two-handed on his xylophone. Statements he often reiterates yes, yes, yes.
  • The Bear Sheriff Mueller is responsible for policing in the jungle, but is continuously overloaded his own words and spends his time mainly in a hammock. He is the only residents over a terrain vehicle and a motor boat.
  • The ice-cream parlor Jojo is a dog. From time to his beloved dog friend, the fashion model Irene from abroad that otherwise daily sends him postcards visited him. Zapp has a wind generator to produce electricity built him with his TV can be operated. However, the fridge has to be cooled with ice to supplied daily.
  • The Bird of Paradise is primarily concerned with its magnificent appearance and has for this purpose a mirror, into which he looks while singing his recurring, narcissistic song Jeez, what I'm beautiful.
  • Captain freshwater Charly is a beaver, which goes to every day with his ship the village. He not only carries the mail and goods, but also visitors. He tends to sing sad songs Schiffmann.
  • Mrs. Kangaroo collects and distributes the mail to and from Cocopalmariocasas. Otherwise, she is very talkative and had never received mail to a message and a mission by a lottery prize itself.
  • Nickel Kanin is a helpful but also curious rabbit boy also the three jungle detectives always like to help out, which he then egg, selbstverfreilich usually confirmed with the exclamation. He can run very fast, sing beautifully and even soporific, despite his speech impediment and insists to be a hare.
  • Gürtli is an armadillo. He is very proud of the belt produced by him, which are exported all over the world.
  • Pfleger caraway man is a stork, which is responsible for the retirement home of the village. He is very polite and correct. On his one day off during the week it is represented by the duck Miss Seven.
  • The Greyhound Detlef with the pseudonyms Dr. Lippsel and Dr. Funkstedt sold to residents of the nursing home unnecessary products at inflated prices. He is in a relationship with Miss Seven. He visited the village with its own boat with an outboard motor.
  • Grandma tortoiseshell, a very old tortoise, is a resident of the nursing home. She is very hard of hearing.
  • Grandpa Siegfried moose is the only male residents of the nursing home. He is always dressed correctly, almost nothing can be seen, but still has good ears. He has in his home saved up in the north, to afford his retirement home in Cocopalmariocasas can.
  • Woman Arbez is a zebra ( anagram Arbez ), which adjusts to camouflage with preference before a fence. The best compliment you can give her is to tell her that they could not discover there. Otherwise it is very easy natured, happy giggles and also lives in the nursing home.
  • The turkey Mr. Svoboda is a stand-alone, reliable Kramer, who has almost everything on offer, what is needed in the village.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Panda are very domesticated and like to feed on bamboo.
  • Mr and Mrs Raccoon are busy all day with the laundry.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Smith are aardvarks. You live in a very secluded earthworks, can not read and show a restrained, naive and good temper.
  • Mr. Pelikan is conceited and often acts without understanding.
  • Mr. Oka Pi is an Okapi. He leads tour groups to and through Cocopalmariocasas and thereby falls by well-intentioned evidence that does not always arrive as funny as they are meant.
  • The theater elephant visits the village as an experienced and well-traveled showman. The three jungle detectives help him with the preparation and execution of his imagination.

Otherwise become even penguins on as tourists, the croc band as villains and three at night, whispering owls.


Episode 1: The Kartenklau to go

Original Air Date: December 20, 1992 13:45-14:15 clock, Duration: 28:30 min In Cocopalmariocasas suddenly no more postcards arrive. Sheriff Mueller feels overloaded and no jurisdiction, so that the three jungle detectives take over the investigation and elucidation.

2nd row: Mr. Panda's secrets

Original Air Date: December 25, 1992 14:15-14:45 clock, Duration: 28:30 min. Mrs. Panda would pin together and noticed that her household budget is plundered some money for a favor nickel Kanin. Mr. Panda leads mysterious phone calls kantonisch in his native language.

Episode 3: The Water Fight

Original Air Date: December 26, 1992, 13:55-14:25 clock, Duration: 28:30 min. The croc band forcing nickel Kanin to hijack the ship of Captain freshwater Charly, to seize the loaded ravioli preserves. But a can opener does not seem to raise and therefore is blackmailed by the crocs in exchange for the ship and the bound nickel Kanin. This finally sings the crocs to sleep before it comes to the final water fight.

Episode 4: The Secret of the wandering refrigerator

Original Air Date: December 27, 1992 13:45-14:15 clock, Duration: 28:30 min. Ice-cream parlor Jojo is annoyed because his fridge frequently disappears at night. After he always finds him in other places, although the content is complete, but otherwise granted. The night guards and the pitfall of the three detectives prove to be of little use.

Episode 5: Zapp is a trap

Original Air Date: December 31, 1992, 13:40-14:10 clock, Duration: 28:30 min. The Greyhound Detlef is well informed about the residents of the nursing home. He babbles them against prepayment unnecessary products at inflated prices on. Zapp disguised as older, educated lady, among others, with a hat of Bubu's Aunt Juliette and introduced into the nursing home.

Episode 6: Dragon theft

Original Air Date: January 1, 1993 14:55-15:24 clock, Duration: 28:30 min. The theater elephant visited the village to present his Chinese shadow theater. The three detectives not only help him in the preparations but also trying desperately to regain the lost, freshly painted shadow dragon, which is urgently needed for the final highlight of the show.



