Dundrennan Abbey

Daughter monasteries

Glenluce Abbey Abbey Sweetheart

The monastery of Dundrennan (En: . Dundrennan Abbey; Gäl Abaid Droighnein Dhun ) is a former Cistercian abbey in Scotland. It is in Dundrennan near Kirkcudbright in the Diocese of Galloway.


The Convent was founded in 1142 by the Scottish King David I. and of Fergus of Galloway. Dundrennan Abbey was a daughter foundation of Rievaulx Abbey in Yorkshire ( England), which in turn was a daughter house of Clairvaux Abbey Primary. Dundrennan Abbey from the daughter monasteries monastery Glenluce Abbey and Sweetheart were founded. After the Scottish Reformation, the monastery went in 1587 to the Crown over; it came in 1606 to John Murray, who later became the Earl of Annandale. The system fell into disrepair and was subsequently used as a quarry. It is now maintained by Historic Scotland.

Buildings and plant

From the nave of the input ( Early English ) is obtained. The walls of the transept are still available. The pointed arch of the north transept surmounted by arcades, in the south transept of a triforium of pointed arches, above which are arched windows. Even the entrance to the chapter house has been preserved.

Abbots of Dundrennan

See article List of abbots of Dundrennan
