Eleanor of Normandy

Eleanor of Normandy ( * before 1017 ) was a daughter of Duke Richard II of Normandy ( † 1027) and Judith of Brittany († 1017 ). She married after 1030 to about 30 years older Baldwin IV of Flanders after the death of his first wife Otgiva of Luxembourg († 1030). Baldwin died in 1035th

The only known child of their marriage is Judith of Flanders († 1094 ), the Toste Godwinsson married his first wife, from 1055 Earl of Northumbria (X 1066), and her second husband Welf I, Duke of Bavaria 1070 († 1101). Baldwin and Eleanor as parents Judith has long been controversial, but should now be considered proven. Through Judith's second marriage is the great-grandmother Eleanor, both of Frederick Barbarossa and Henry the Lion.

Contrary to the usual designation is not sure she really was Eleanor, as the primary sources that affect them, do not call her name:

  • In the Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ her name is not mentioned; in footnote 19 on page 307 of the MGH edition it is specified as " Alienoram ", without the source is quoted for this statement
  • The Anna Lista Saxo referred to in his statements to the year 1066, the mother of Judith as " cognatione beati Ethmundi regis ", relatives of the late King Edmund († 946 ), without specifying its name
  • Even William of Jumièges called her name when he talks about her marriage to Baldwin, but rather that of their parents


  • Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana, Continuatio Leidensis et Divionensis, MGH Scriptores ( in folio ) 9, pp. 307
  • The Empire Chronicle of Anna Lista Saxo, MGH Scriptores ( in folio ) 37 (2006), p 408
  • Willelmi Gemmetencis Historiæ (Du Chesne, 1619), Liber V, XIII, p 255


  • Countess
  • Born in the 11th century
  • Died in the 11th century
  • Woman