Ernesto de la Guardia

Ernesto de la Guardia Navarro ( born March 30, 1904 in Panama City, † May 2, 1983 ibid ) was the 30th President of the Republic of Panama.

De la Guardia, 1945-1948 already vice president. took over the post of president on October 1, 1956 as the successor to Ricardo Manuel Arias Espinoza and stayed the entire time allotted one of the few presidents in Panama's past until October 1, 1960 at the office. His tenure coincided with a turbulent period of the policy and was nearly wiped out by the controversies and intrigues of the U.S. policy to the Panama Canal Zone, the later flag dispute between the U.S. and Panama in 1964. Even he had to against some attacks, directed by Fidel Castro, as well as against intrigues of Roberto Arias, the son of a former president and his wife, Margot Fonteyn, a famous British ballerina fight.

After the end of his tenure, De la Guardia did not stand for election. He was succeeded by Roberto Francisco Chiari Remon.

Manuel Amador Guerrero | José Domingo de Obaldía | Carlos Antonio Mendoza | Federico Boyd | Pablo Arosemena Alba | Belisario Porras Barahona | Ramón Maximiliano Valdés | Ciro Luis Urriola | Pedro Antonio Díaz | Belisario Porras Barahona | Ernesto Lefevre Tisdel | Belisario Porras Barahona | Rodolfo Chiari | Florencio Arosemena Harmodio | Ricardo Joaquín Alfaro Jovane | Harmodio Arias Madrid | Demóstenes Juan Arosemena Barreati | Ezequiel Fernández Jaén | Augusto Samuel Boyd | Arnulfo Arias | Ricardo Adolfo de la Guardia Arango | Enrique Adolfo Jiménez Brin | Domingo Díaz Arosemena | Daniel chanis Pinzón | Arnulfo Arias | Alcibiades Arosemena | Jose Antonio Remon Cantera | José Ramón Guizado Valdés | Ricardo Manuel Arias Espinoza | Ernesto de la Guardia Navarro | Roberto Francisco Chiari Remon | Marco Aurelio Robles Méndez | Arnulfo Arias | José María Pinilla Fábrega | Demetrio Basilio Lakas | Aristides Royo | Ricardo de la Espriella Toral | Jorge E. Illueca | Nicolás Ardito Barletta Vallarino | Erick Arturo del Valle | Manuel Solís Palma | Francisco Rodriguez | Guillermo Endara Galimany | Ernesto Pérez Balladares | Mireya Moscoso | Martín Torrijos Espino | Ricardo Martinelli

  • President ( Panama)
  • Vice-President ( Panama)
  • Carrier of Merit of the Italian Republic ( Grand Cross with chain of orders )
  • Panamanian
  • Born in 1904
  • Died in 1983
  • Man