European Parliament election, 1981 (Greece)

  • KKE: 3
  • KKE (domestic ): 1
  • KODISO: 1
  • PASOK: 10
  • KP: 1
  • ND: 8

The European elections in Greece on 18 October 1981, the first elections to the European Parliament after the accession of Greece to the European Community on 1 January 1981. It took place in parallel to the National election. Greece were 24 seats to the European Parliament, which had been previously occupied by elected by the national parliament deputies.


As with the national parliamentary elections, the socialist PASOK party was strongest, while the hitherto ruling conservative ND second strongest party was just. Compared to the national election but especially smaller parties were parties to the left of PASOK, reach more votes. While only three parties moved in the national parliament, six parties win seats in the European Parliament.
