Fred Brooks

Frederick Phillips Brooks, Jr. ( born April 19, 1931 in Durham, North Carolina, United States) is an American computer scientist. Brooks initially became known. Than Responsible for the development of OS/360 at IBM and later for the honest description of the development process in his book The Mythical Man-Month This book also includes a much-quoted statement, which became known as Brooks'sches Act:

"Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later. "

"The use of additional labor in already delayed software projects, they only delayed even further. "


Brooks graduated from Duke University in his hometown and received his doctorate in 1956 in applied mathematics from Harvard University with Howard Aiken 's supervision. He then found a job at IBM in Poughkeepsie and Yorktown, New York. He first worked at the architecture of the stretch, is a 10 million dollar scientific supercomputer for the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, then at the Harvest computer. Then he led the development of System/360-Rechnerfamilie and the operating system OS/360. The OS/360-Projekt had from 1963 to 1966 a circumference of about 5000 person-years, which Brooks makes an expert to organize large and complex projects in a targeted manner.

1965 Brooks left IBM to build the computer science - department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This he conducted more than 20 years. In 1996 the Brooks Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science. He was honored by the Computer Association with the ACM Turing Award in 1999. In 1970 he received the W. Wallace McDowell Award and the 2004 Eckert - Mauchly Award.


  • Kenneth E. Iverson with Automatic Data Processing, New York: Wiley, 1963
  • Kenneth E. Iverson with Automatic Data Processing, System/360 Edition, New York: Wiley, 1969
  • Architecture with Gerrit Blaauw computer: concepts and evolution, Addison -Wesley, 1997
  • No silver bullet: essence and accidents of software engineering (1987 )
  • The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering. - Bonn: Addison-Wesley, 2003 - ISBN 3-8266-1355-4.
  • Frederick P. Brooks, Pearson Education, Inc (ed.): The Design of Design. Essays from a Computer Scientist. Addison -Wesley, March 2010, ISBN 978-0-201-36298-5 ( Preface & Chapter 6 PDF 6.23 MB ).
  • Frederick P. Brooks: Successful design. Essays on universal design processes with examples from IT and software development. Addison-Wesley Publishing, April 26, 2011, ISBN 978-3-8266-9080-8.