Fred Lonzo

Frederick "Fred" Lonzo ( born August 26, 1950 in New Orleans) is an American jazz trombonist. The influence of Waldren " Frog" Joseph Tailgate Stylist is presently considered as one of the busiest trombonists in New Orleans.

Life and work

Lonzo began as a 13 -year-old on the borrowed instrument of his brother to play. As a teenager, he performed with EC Gabon and Doc Paulin on at Jazz parades. He attended the College of Xavier University where he played both rhythm and blues and rock music and radio, including The Gladiator, from which The Batiste Brothers was born. He played with Paul Crawford, to then become a member of the Storyville Jazz Band Bob French for six years. He also belonged to the Heritage Hall band and the Olympia Brass Band, before he appeared in the mid- 1980s at Preservation Hall and toured with Percy Humphrey, Kid Sheik, Alonzo Stewart, Manny Crusto, Frank Fields and Freddie Kohlman. He accompanied musicians such as Wallace Davenport, Sammy Price, Dr. Michael White, John Brunious and Lars Edegran to the Riverwalk jazz band he belonged for many years. In 2002 he took on Big Bill Bissonnettes label Jazz Crusade before his album Ready for Freddy, on the clarinet player Brian Carrick is exposed. He also can be heard on recordings of Papa French, Louis Prima, Teddy Riley, Father Al Lewis, Wanda Rouzan, Doc Cheatham and Wynton Marsalis. In addition, he is part of the Louisiana Repertory Jazz Ensemble.
