Frederick Mosteller

Charles Frederick Mosteller ( born December 24, 1916 in Clarksburg, West Virginia; † 23 July 2006 in the Falls Church ) was one of the most important statisticians of the 20th century. He was the founding director of the Statistics Department at Harvard University in 1957 until 1969.


Mosteller was president of several major scientific associations, including the Psychometric Society, the American Statistical Association, the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and of the International Statistical Institute.

Mosteller received honorary doctorates from the University of Chicago (1973 ), Carnegie Mellon University ( 1974), Yale University (1981 ), Wesleyan University (1983 ) and Harvard University (1993). He is also Honorary Member of the Royal Statistical Society.


  • Robert Ray Bush, Frederick Mosteller: Stochastic Models for Learning. Wiley, New York 1955