Gaius Claudius Glaber

Gaius (?) Claudius Glaber was a Roman praetor probably 73 BC (or some years earlier).

Glaber drew 73 BC as the first commander with a rapidly excavated force of around 3,000 men against the insurgents under Spartacus on the Vesuvius, it closed on the mountain and occupied the only entrance that led to the crater of the plane. The troupe Glaber but was surprised and defeated by the insurgents. Supposedly platted the insurgents from the vine ladders, with which they were able to rappel.

Glaber as a film role

Glaber is mentioned in the films on the history of Spartacus, so in the Spartacusverfilmungen of 1960 ( John Dall as Marcus Publius Glabrus ) and 2004 ( Ben Cross as Titus Glabrus ). In the television series Spartacus Glaber by Craig Parker is played.


  • Titus Livius, Periochae Librorum 95.1 (as Claudius Pulcher )
  • Plutarch, Crassus 8-9 (as Clodius )
  • Florus, Epitome 2.8.4 (as Clodius Glaber [ Glabrus ] )
  • Frontinus, Strategemata 1.5.21 (as Clodius )
  • Appian, Emphylia 1116 (as Varinius Glaber [ Glabrus ] )