Georges-André Chevallaz

Georges- André Chevallaz ( born February 7, 1915 in Lausanne, † September 8, 2002 ) was a Swiss politician (FDP) from the canton of Vaud. When he was first Federal Financial, then defense minister and held once the Office of the President.


A native of Montreal Herod graduated first in history with a master's in 1937. 1937/38, followed by a semester abroad in Paris. In 1949, the since 1942 working at the École supérieure de commerce de Lausanne teacher doctorate. From 1955 to 1958 he headed the State Library and the University of Lausanne had a lectureship in history and diplomacy.

As a local in Lausanne, he held the following offices of:

He supported the construction of a road tunnel on the Great St. Bernard. On the federal level, he was from 1958 to 1973 in the National Council. From 1970 to 1973 Chevallaz presided over the Liberal -Democratic Group in the Federal Assembly.

He was elected to the Federal Council on 5 December 1973. On December 31, 1983, he handed over his office. During his office time he held the following departments:

He was President in 1980.

After his resignation, he stepped around 1992 publicly as a Swiss opponents EEA accession.

Election results in the Federal Assembly

Works (selection)

  • Histoire générale de 1789 à nos jours. Payot, Lausanne 1964
  • La Suisse ou le sommeil du juste. Payot, Lausanne 1967 German edition: Switzerland or the sleep of the just. Ex Libris, Zurich 1969
  • German edition: the challenge of neutrality. Diplomacy and defense of Switzerland from 1939 to 1945. Orell Füssli, Zurich 1997