German National Library of Economics

The ZBW - German National Library of Economics - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics is the world's largest specialist library for economics literature. It has two locations in Kiel and Hamburg, is an affiliated institute of the Christian -Albrechts -University of Kiel and a member of the Leibniz Association (WGL ). It is funded by the federal government and the states. The decision on the promotion meets the Joint Science Conference (GWK ) at regular intervals over again. Is headed by Klaus ZBW Tochtermann.

Collective order

The ZBW is the National Library of Economics. Your collective mission is to develop, literature and technical information in the fields of Economics ( VWL), Business Studies ( BWL ) and procure business practice to archive and to make available to the public.

Library collection

The stock of the ZBW comprises approximately 4.3 million units of media (books, magazines, yearbooks ) (2012 ). The ZBW subscribes to nearly 31,500 journals. About the online catalog ECONIS you have free access to almost 132,000 Internet documents in full text. On the publication server DSpace over 45,000 working and discussion papers from German economic research institutes and universities are stored and available for free online. The copyright does not allow the ZBW to offer all their holdings in full text online, but locally it provides access to electronic journals and 130 databases.

Catalogue and search

The ZBW is keen to make literature easy to find. Therefore, not only books but also essays, working papers and electronic sources are tapped to content, ie with keywords ( descriptors ). Wilhelm Gülich developed for a special system for cataloging, inter alia, the also took over the Library of the German Bundestag. Today, the STW Thesaurus for Economics serves as the basis for the content analysis.


The ZBW is accessible to everyone. The formal data for all of their holdings can be searched in the online catalog ECONIS, the portal EconBiz or through the union catalog of the Common Library Network ( GBV ). They can be used on-site in Kiel or Hamburg or ordered through the interlibrary loan of German libraries and a document delivery service subito like.

The ZBW also operates the portal EconBiz, a virtual library for economics. Here you will find not only literature, but also Internet sources and event calendar for economics. The ZBW offers an online information service ( EconDesk ), which provides assistance with literature searches and answered questions about the facts research in economics.

The ZBW is active in the open-access movement, which is made open access to scientific information to the destination. So it is, inter alia, Negotiators for the acquisition of national licenses in the field of economics. The publication server DSpace is the free publication of scientific publications in economics.

The ZBW publishes two journals " service economy " and " Inter Economics" and provides technical support for the E-Journal "Economics " of the Institute for World Economics ( Kiel Institute ) ready.


The ZBW is involved in national and international projects to develop new services for their customers.

  • EDaWaX (European Data Watch Extended)

Empirical research in economics is becoming increasingly important. So far there is no efficient way to make sense to link the amounts collected or used by the researchers data with the publications that emerge from this research. The EDaWaX project 's goal, a data archive for journals to develop the example of the magazine " Schmoller's Jahrbuch / Journal of Applied Social Science Studies. " This project is funded by the DFG.

  • Digital Empire statistics

Historical statistics are so far available only in exceptional cases online. In this pilot project, the volumes of the German Reich statistics are digitized and then processed so that downloaded the data from researchers contained therein, without much effort, and can be further processed in spreadsheet programs. This project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

  • DSpace networking

The publications of German economic scientists and researchers to find the widest possible dissemination not only in Germany but also internationally. To this end, the project will contribute DSpace networking, are the interfaces for automatic data delivery from DSpace to the world's major economic databases, RePEc and SSRN developed. The project also serves to make researchers publishing their work as easy as possible, eg by automatic delivery to the German National Library or the acquisition of metadata from current literature management systems.

  • Long-term archiving

The rapid technological development in recent years has led to a lot of information exist only electronically, but also to the fact that the outdated hardware and software to read these information faster. The digital preservation to ensure that future generations can also use this information. To this end, the ZBW cooperates with the other two National Libraries, the Technical Information Library ( TIB) and the German National Library of Medicine ( ZB MED), in the context of Goportis in a pilot project that develops strategies and methods for long -term preservation of digital resources.

  • Linked Open Data

Linked Open Data refers to the provision of free usable data ( Open Data ) as a networked data ( Linked Data ). The ZBW working hard to link their own data with external data to find new applications and uses. First, she put her STW Thesaurus for Economics in this form. In the ZBW Labs introduces her current prototypes.

  • Da | ra - Registration Agency for Social and Economic Data

Together with CSA - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences builds on the ZBW a registration agency, may register their acquired from the research process at the primary data, researchers from the social sciences and economics. This registration is used, thus making the data accessible, clearly identifiable and repeatable so that the research process is more transparent and more efficient. Both the ZBW and CSA are members of the composite DataCite which sets itself the goal to create uniform international rules for the registration of research data.


To cope with the many challenges associated with the technological changes in information exchange that ZBW building a global network. She has completed this cooperation agreements with international research institutions, including MIMOS, CSA - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Joanneum Research and the Know-Center Graz. Also in the library community, the ZBW is active in several collaborative projects such as Goportis, NEREUS or Academic LinkShare.


1919 ZBW was established as a separate department of the Institute for the World Economy, which is still called then Royal Institute of Shipping and the World Economy at the Christian-Albrechts -University of Kiel. Since 1924 this special library was expanded under its conductor Wilhelm Gülich for economic and social science research library. From 1961 to 1992, the Library of Erwin Heidemann was conducted. During this time, developed from the Institute's library via a regional specialist library. In 1966, she was determined member of the Leibniz Association and the National Library of Economics. From 1992 to 2010, Horst Thomsen Director of the ZBW. During his tenure, the organizational separation from the Institute for World Economics ( Kiel Institute ) falls. Since 2010 he has been director Klaus daughter of the ZBW.


On 1 January 2007, the ZBW became an independent foundation under public law of the State of Schleswig -Holstein. At the same time the integrated ZBW the library of the former Hamburg Institute of International Economics in Hamburg. She is an affiliated institution of the Christian -Albrechts -University of Kiel, but not part of the university.

Pursuant to the Articles it is headed by a Director, who simultaneously holds a chair at the Christian -Albrechts -University of Kiel. Under the supervision of the competent ministry for each of the universities of the state of Schleswig -Holstein. The bodies of the Foundation are the Director or the Director as a line and the Board of Trustees as an advisory and decision-making body for fundamental and financial issues. The Board of Trustees sit next to the representative of the State of Schleswig- Holstein as chairman, a representative of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, two representatives of the Federation, one of which Deputy Chairman of the Board is the Chairman of the Advisory Board, two representatives of the Christian -Albrechts -University of Kiel and three external scientists, one of which belongs to a leading economic research institute and two represented the information sciences in university and non- university sector. In addition, according to the statute, there is an advisory board to advise the organs of the Foundation on issues of service tasks and concerns of customers.

As a member of the Leibniz Association, the ZBW will be evaluated at regular intervals. From the result of this evaluation, it depends on whether they will continue to receive financial support. The final evaluation took place in 2010 and was extremely positive.
