Giacomo Gaglione

Giacomo Gaglione ( born July 20, 1896 in Marcianise, Caserta Province, Campania, Italy, † 28 May 1962 Capodrise, Caserta Province, Campania, Italy) was a Catholic Italian member of the Franciscan community. On 3 April 2009 he was awarded Pope Benedict XVI. the honorary title of Venerable Servant of God. The Congregation for the Causes of Saints has opened the process to his beatification.


Gaglione was born into Marcianise in the province of Caserta in a wealthy family. At the age of 16 years, the first symptoms of the disease ankylosing spondylitis were noticeable. He found himself in bed with paralyzed legs. Medical treatments using different methods led to no improvement in his condition.

In 1919 Gaglione visited the famous Capuchin Pio of Pietrelcina in the hope of a cure. Instead, however, this meeting meant that he accepted his illness as a Christian missionary. He was a spiritual son of the monk, who continue, reportedly with the gift of bilocation, supported him. In January 1921, he was examined by a doctor, who later became Saint Giuseppe Moscati and in August of the same year he joined the Secular Franciscan Order. He put his confession in the following year under the name of Francis, in honor of Francis of Assisi.

In August 1929, after 17 years of immobility, Gaglione made ​​the first of his nine pilgrimages to Lourdes, an experience that became the basis of his first book later: Il Pellegrinaggio di un'anima ( loosely translated: The pilgrimage of the soul). There he founded the L' apostolato della sofferenza ( Apostolate of Suffering ), a spiritual brotherhood, which shall be intended to convince the patient of the love of God. The institution had the support of the Bishop of Caserta, Gabriele Moriondo. The founder was instituted by Pope Pius XI. received the award Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice gave him while in November 1944, Pope Pius XII. appointed him Commander of the Order of New Year's Eve. Since 1952, the ministry has its own magazine, Ostie sul mondo out. At this time Gaglione published his second book, Allo specchio della mia anima ( In the mirror of my soul).

On October 20, 1961 Gaglione published his last book: 50 anni di croce by saper sorridere (50 years on the cross to smile can ).

Gaglione died on 28 May 1962 in Capodrise. At his funeral the next day, many people appeared from all over Italy. In 1965 his remains were transferred to the local parish church of St. Andrew, by the will of the ecclesiastical authorities.
