
Milkfish ( Chanos chanos )

The sand Fishy ( Gonorynchiformes ) consist of four families with 37 species, of which 31 are freshwater fish. The families Chanidae and Phractolaemidae are monotypic, meaning they each contain only a recent article


Sand Fishy are elongated fish and two centimeters to 1.80 meters long. EO Wiley and G. David Johnson indicate for the Gonorynchiformes following synapomorphies:

Outer systematics

The Gonorynchiformes are one of the genuine bony fish ( Teleostei ), belong to the sub- cohort of the Ostariophysi and are provided as Anotophysi or Anotophysa the Otophysi / Otophysa (carps, New World fish knife, Characiformes and catfish) as a sister group to the side.

The phylogenetic relationships are shown in the following cladogram:

Herring -like ( Clupeiformes )


Sand Fishy ( Gonorynchiformes )

Carps ( Cypriniformes )

Neuwelt knife fish ( Gymnotiformes )

Characiformes ( Characiformes )

Catfish ( Siluriformes )

Inside systematics

  • Order sand Fishy ( Gonorynchiformes ) † Apulichthys
  • Subordination Chanoidei Genus † Aethalinopsis
  • Family milkfish ( Chanidae )
  • Family sandfish ( Gonorynchidae )
  • Family Slim Fish ( Kneriidae )
  • Family African mud fish ( Phractolaemidae )


The navy, algae-eating milkfish ( Chanos chanos ) is an important food fish in Southeast Asia. The living in brackish water larvae are caught only to be used in ponds to recycling.

Pictures of Gonorynchiformes
