Göttinger Hainbund

The Göttingen Hainbund was a worshipful nature, the Sturm und Drang literary -leaning group in Germany during the 18th century.


The Hainberg covenant was founded on 12 September 1772 by Johann Heinrich Voss, Ludwig Christoph Heinrich Hölty, Johann Martin Miller, Gottlieb Dieterich Miller, Johann Friedrich Hahn and John Thomas Ludwig weir on the Kerst Linger The desolate field near the university town of Göttingen. The founding members had met partly by their contributions to the literary magazine "Göttingen Musenalmanach ", which was founded in 1770 by Heinrich Christian Boie, partly by their common studies. By no later than 1772 Musenalmanach was then the mouthpiece of Hainbund.

While their enthusiasm for nature as a counterweight to Enlightenment rationalism is a certain connection with the Sturm und Drang; nevertheless, a clear assignment of the Göttingen Hainbund to Sturm und Drang or the literature of the Enlightenment not currently be made. In this point, the scholars are divided.

In Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, the Göttingen found a father figure. With their reverence for him they separated themselves simultaneously against Christoph Martin Wieland and his ironic and thoughtful style. Voss writes: ". [ ... ] Afterwards [ ... ] we ate, punschten, and finally we burned Wieland's Idris and likeness " Even on July 2, 1773 Klopstock's birthday, which the members of the Grove celebrated extensively, there was a burning Wieland's works. Here a picture Wieland was thrown into the fire and as " executio in effigy ," meaning " punishment on portrait" burned.

The term " Hainbund " goes back to Klopstock's ode " The hill and the grove ". Another father figure, although not a member of the grove, was Gottfried August Bürger. Citizens worked as a court bailiff in elderly peers. He and Hölty apply also as the founder of German art ballad.

On his visit to Klopstock Let's Celebrate 1774 by the members of the Hainbund. 1775 broke up the Hainbund, since its members completed the study and Göttingen left.


  • Heinrich Christian Boie
  • Ernst Brückner
  • Carl Christian Claus joke
  • Carl August Wilhelm von Closen
  • Carl Friedrich Cramer
  • Christian Hieronymus Esmarch
  • Schack Hermann Ewald
  • Johann Friedrich Hahn
  • Ludwig Christoph Heinrich Hölty
  • Johann Anton Leisewitz
  • Johann Martin Miller
  • Gottlieb Dieterich Miller
  • Christian of Stolberg- Stolberg
  • Friedrich Leopold zu Stolberg - Stolberg
  • Johann Heinrich Voss
  • Johann Thomas Ludwig weir

Related by the Federal

  • Gottfried August Bürger
  • Matthias Claudius
  • Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué
  • Leopold Friedrich Günther von Goeckingk
  • Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock
  • Joseph Martin Kraus
  • Christian Adolph Overbeck
  • Gottlob Friedrich Ernst Schönborn
  • Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart
  • Johann Gottfried Friedrich Seebach
  • Anton Matthias Sprickmann