
Goupia glabra

Goupia is the only plant genus of the family within the order of Goupiaceae Malpighienartigen ( Malpighiales ).


The neotropical genus Goupia comes only in northern South America: Guiana and northern Brazil ago.


The Goupia species are evergreen or semi - evergreen trees or shrubs. Goupia glabra forms buttress roots. The alternate and arranged in two rows leaves are stalked. The simple leaf blade is leathery, shiny and pinnately. The leaf margin is smooth or seedlings, rarely in older plants, perforated. The leathery stipules are narrow and very long.

The axillary, standing on an inflorescence stem, doldigen total inflorescences consist of very short racemose partial inflorescences with bracts. The hermaphroditic, flowers are radial symmetry fünfzählig with double perianth. There is an annular disc provided. The same five sepals are fused at their base. The five free, very long petals are yellow and red at the base; the top third is bent in the bud down and remains open at Bloom " s" -shaped or bent. It's just a circle with five equal, free fertile stamens present; the inner circle is missing. The stamens are very short. Five carpels are fused to a syncarp, superior ovaries; it is partially enveloped by the discus. The ovary compartment are 7 to 50 bitegmische ovules available. There are five free pen available; they are shorter than the ovary.

The small, hard indehiscent fruit is a berry -like, two - insulated draft tube to stone fruit containing many seeds.


The genus Goupia was formerly placed in the family Celastraceae in the order of Celastrales.

In the genus in the family and thus Goupia only two to three types are included:

  • Goupia cinerascens Poepp. ex Baill.
  • Goupia glabra Aubl. (Syn.: G. paraensis Huber, G. tomentosa Aubl. )
  • Goupia guatemalensis Lundell


The bright, reddish- brown hardwood ( trade names: copy Kabukalli ) of Goupia glabra is used for example in house construction and for the manufacture of furniture, but its unpleasant odor limits the use. It is not under protection under CITES.


  • The Goupiaceae family in APWebsite (English )
  • Description of Goupiaceae family at DELTA. (English )