Guy Sansaricq

Guy A. Sansaricq ( born October 6, 1934 in Jeremi ) is Emeritus Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn.


Guy A. Sansaricq received on May 28, 1966, ordained priest for the Diocese of Les Cayes. He was incardinated on 9 January 1991 in the Clergy of the Diocese of Brooklyn.

John Paul II appointed him on 6 June 2006 as Titular Bishop of Glenndálocha and Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn. He received his episcopal consecration of the Bishop of Brooklyn, Nicholas DiMarzio Anthony, on 22 August of the same year; Co-consecrators were Thomas Vose Daily, Bishop Emeritus of Brooklyn, and Ignatius Anthony Catanello, Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn.

On 6 October 2010, Pope Benedict XVI. its age-related resignation.
