Hans-Erik Staby

Hans -Erik Staby ( born September 8, 1935 in Otjimbingwe, † November 30, 2009 in Windhoek ) was a Namibian politician and architect.


From 1941 to 1949 Staby attended primary school in Omaruru and then went to high school degree at the Paul Roos Gymnasium in Stellenbosch. In 1959 he finished his studies in architecture at the University of Cape Town. Then, a further study in 1960 led him to the Technical University Berlin. After a short business stay as an architect in Kiel, he returned in 1963 to Namibia back to devote himself to his profession as an architect. Since 1964 Staby works for the company Stauch & Partners, was from 1968 partner and eventually took over the company in 1992.

Since the seventies, Staby devoted increasingly to the political and cultural engagement in Namibia. From 1980 to 1988 he was a member of the Republican Party (RP ), elected a deputy of the National Assembly, which was at that time part of the Democratic gym Alliance ( DTA). In addition Staby was a member of the Constituent Assembly of Namibia and 1990-1997 Speaker of the DTA in the areas of trade and finance in the National Assembly. 1997 ended Staby his political career after he realized that the only pursued the realization of their personal goals in the policy assets and less devoted to the welfare of the general public.

Active in civil society was Hans -Erik Staby also Chairman of the Namibia Institute for Democracy and the Namibian- German Foundation for Cultural Cooperation, and a member of the Namibian chapter of Transparency International. He successfully played cricket for Wanderers Cricket Club and was also from 1986 to 1999 president of the Namibia Cricket Board.
