Hartland (Vermont)

Windsor County

Hartland is a town in Windsor County, the State of Vermont in the United States with 3,393 inhabitants ( according to the census of 2010). Hartland is conveniently located on the west bank of the Connecticut River on the eastern edge of the Green Mountains. The land is hilly and rural in the first place, especially for sheep, used. Major population centers are adjacent to the main town of Hartland and North Hartland and North Hartland Four Corners.

The Town was declared for settlement on July 10, 1761 under the name of Hertford by Benning Wentworth as part of his New Hampshire Grants, and was confirmed in contrast to many other areas of these Grants, New York in 1767, so never in dispute. The first settlement of this area is documented for 1763, the first town meeting for 1767th On 15 June 1782, the original name of the Town in Hartland was changed to avoid confusion with the almost the same named and neighboring Town Hartford.

Since 1848 Hartland is on the railway line Windsor Burlington, which runs through the valley of the Connecticut and Canada connects with the cities of the east coast, connected. An originally existing passenger station was closed again in the meantime; but consists in neighboring Windsor connection to a daily service on express to the Atlantic coast.

Major transport connections are Interstate 91 in the valley of Connectricut and the largely parallel U.S. Highway 5 There is a branch of the Unitarians and the United Church of Christ. An elementary school is located in the main town of Hartland, for further schools surrounding Towns to be visited. Also, the nearest hospital is found only in neighboring Windsor.

Nearby Cities

All information bee-line distances.

  • North: Hartford, 13.5 km
  • North East: Lebanon, 13.5 km
  • East: Meriden, 11.0 km
  • Southeast: Sunapie, 30.0 km
  • South: Windsor 7.5 km
  • Southwest: West Windsor, 9.0 km
  • West: Plymouth, 27.5 km
  • Northwest: Woodstock, 13.5 km

Sons and daughters of the town
