Henry Schradieck

Henry Schradieck ( born April 29, 1846 in Hamburg, † May 25, 1918 in Brooklyn, New York ) was a German violinist, music teacher and composer.

The son of a violin professor had already at the age of four years of teaching and entered the age of five on in Hamburg. The violinist Teresa Milanollo financed him to study at the conservatory in Brussels, where he was from 1854 to 1857 students by Hubert Léonard. Later he studied for two years with Ferdinand David in Leipzig.

In 1863, he worked as a solo violinist in the private concerts, organized by Carl Martin Reinthaler in Bremen. From 1864 to 1868 he lived in Moscow. He taught here at the music school of Nikolai Rubinstein and played the first violin at the concerts of the Russian Musical Society. Although he was not formally his pupil, he drew great profit from his acquaintance with the violinist Ferdinand Laub, the professor at the Moscow Conservatory was.

After his return to Hamburg Schradieck was director of the Philharmonic concerts. In 1874 he became vice- Kapellmeister of the Gewandhaus Orchestra and professor of violin at the Leipzig Conservatory. In 1883, he first traveled to the U.S. and taught at the College of Music at Cincinnati. Following the resignation of Florian Zajic he took over again in 1890 the management of the Hamburg Philharmonic concerts. In 1898 he moved permanently to the U.S. and taught at various institutions in New York and Philadelphia.

Little known is the compositional activity Schradiecks. Thus we find in the possession of the Gorno Memorial Music Library, a Romance for Violin and Piano.
