
Dictyocha speculum

The group of Stramenopilen ( Stramenopiles, also Chromista or Heterokonta ) consists of eukaryotic organisms that have two different trained tete flagella. The group is comprised of mainly organisms with photosynthesis to them include some of the most important photosynthetically active species on Earth. Most species are unicellular, with the brown algae, however, are also highly differentiated multicellular organisms to do so.


The Stramenopilen - from Latin stramen (straw) and pilus (hair) - have motile cells (swarm ), which usually have two flagella: an anterior tinsel with hair-like three-part Mastigonemata in two opposite rows, and usually also a rear tow scourge that is usually smooth. At the kinetosome root set at four microtubules. Due to the different flagella one also speaks of a heterosexual accounts flagella. Some modified groups, such as the diatoms, flagellated these fanatics are no longer formed.

The mitochondria have cristae.

The Stramenopilen are mostly photoautotroph. The Eipilze have lost the ability to photosynthesize secondary again.


The chloroplasts of Stramenopiles not originate as with most other algae from the endosymbiosis with cyanobacteria but were secondary endosymbiosis in eukaryotes, red algae probably won. This development step probably took place before about 1.2 billion years ago.


The terms Heterokonta and Stramenopiles were used by different authors for different sized groups. Here, the group within the meaning of Adl et al is Used in 2005.

  • Opalinata
  • Bicosoecida
  • Net slime molds ( Labyrinthulomycetes )
  • Hyphochytriales
  • Eipilze ( Peronosporomycetes, formerly Oomycetes )
  • Actinophryidae
  • Bolidonomas
  • Golden-brown algae ( Chrysophyceae )
  • Dictyochophyceae
  • Eustigmatales
  • Pelagophyceae
  • Phaeothamniophyceae
  • Pinguiochrysidales
  • Raphidophyceae
  • Schizocladia
  • Synurales
  • Yellow-green algae ( Xanthophyceae )
  • Brown algae ( Phaeophyceae )
  • Diatoms ( Bacillariophyta )