Hochberg (Swabian Alb)

View over Deilingen to Hochberg (left) and Oberhohenberg (right)

The high mountain is 1008.5 m above sea level. NHN high mountain on the southwestern edge of the Swabian Alb between Deilingen and Wehingen in Baden -Württemberg. The summit lies on the boundary of the hamlet Deilinger Delkhofen.

The high mountain is the third highest mountain in the Swabian Alb to the Lemberg (1015 m above sea level. NHN ) and the Oberhohenberg (1011 m above sea level. NHN ) and belongs to the region of ten thousand. Together with the two closely neighboring mountains Lviv in the south and in the north Oberhohenberg forms of high mountain part of the main European watershed.

The mountain is accessible via the Swabian Alb - northern edge - way (HW 1 with red triangle). The path between the Oberhohenberg and Hochberg was formerly along the edge of the escarpment, the so-called Albtrauf. To avoid crashes, the routing has since been changed somewhat.
