Ilin Island cloudrunner

The Ilin - Borken rat ( Crateromys paulus ) is an extremely rare or already extinct rodent of the genus Borken climbers ( Crateromys ). She is known by only one adult male, which was collected in 1953 on the small Philippine island of Ilin south of Mindoro.


The only known specimen has a head -body length of 255.0 mm, a tail length of 215.0 mm, a Hinterfußlänge of 50.0 mm, an ear length of 20.0 mm and a skull length of 52.6 mm. The top is dark brown, the underside is gray. The short, hairy, dark tail has a white tip.

Habitat and habitat

The Ilin - Borken rat probably inhabited primary lowland rain forests. The primary forest is cleared and there are only a karst forest remnants exist.


On April 4, 1953 Pablo Soriano collected the type specimen and sold it to Eduardo Gelena from the National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC. Was described in 1981 by Guy G. Musser and Linda K. Gordon scientifically. During an expedition in 1988, the English biologist Stuart Pritchard could no longer detectable copy. He only provided the evidence that on Ilin forest was still scarce. The natives of Mindoro reported in surveys from a strain of rats called Siyang. You should see the Ilin - Borken rat similar, but are more expeditions to Mindoro necessary to determine the status of these animals. In 1994, the Ilin - Borken rat by the IUCN was added to the list of extinct mammals. 2008, the status was ( deficient Data ) to " insufficient data " changed.
