Inimica vis

Knight is fuller vis is an encyclical of Pope Leo XIII. , They dated December 8, 1892, he turns with this encyclical to the bishops of Italy and writes " About Freemasonry in Italy ". On the same date and the same subject, he turned to the encyclical " Custodi di quella Fede " to the Italian people.

Struggle against Freemasonry

Freemasonry he called enemy forces that were trying to change society, in particular detail they had been directed against the Church, which had been called by the holy struggle. He refers to his predecessors, who had done everything to ward off these attacks.

The church had tried these harmful attacks to condemn and have brought the subterranean machinations of the daylight. Although this struggle is promising that he saw Catholicism endangered and the Italian people have so far recognized the threat is not unique. The heretical attacks are like a contagious disease that is spreading more and more and of Christian civilization is seriously damaging.

These people have also tried to animate the lower clergy to the opposition, they had submitted to it by false promises. But in this matter it would have the virtue of the clergy underestimated, it would not have managed to reduce their devotion to duty and loyalty. That's true of the bishops to protect their flock and to strengthen the inner connectedness. Against strong forces the pagan hordes would run up but to no avail.
