Irvine Page

Irvine Heinly Page ( born January 7, 1901 in Indianapolis, USA, † 10 June 1991) was an American physiologist. Among his main achievements include the identification of the renin -angiotensin -aldosterone system, the discovery of Gewebshormons and the neurotransmitter serotonin, the description of a neurogenic mechanism of renal hypertension, the discovery of an offer called baroreceptor resetting mechanism for changing the baroreceptor reflex results and description of the theory of the mosaic hypertension. It was 1956 - 1957 President of the American Heart Association and elected since 1971 Member of the National Academy of Sciences.

Honors and Awards

Irvine Page was honored with ten honorary doctorate titles as well as the Ida B. Gould Memorial Award of the American Association for the Advancement of Science ( 1957), the Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research (1958), the Gairdner Foundation International Award ( 1963) that honors the American Medical Association ( 1964), the Oscar B. Hunter Award ( 1966); the Passano Award (1967 ) and the Stouffer Prize (1970 ) awarded. He gives honor to the American Heart Association, the Irvine H. Page Young Investigator Research Award to young scientists and Irvine Page - Alva Bradley Lifetime Achievement Award.
