Isak Doera

Isak Doera ( born September 29, 1931 in Jopu; † 19, 2012 in Jakarta ) was the Roman Catholic Bishop of Sintang.


Isak Doera received on 18 January 1959, the ordination. He studied at the Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Katolik ( STFK ), a School of Philosophy Ritapiret in the Indonesian Flores. He was its first graduate, who has held office of a bishop.

Pope Paul VI. appointed him on 9 December 1976 for the Bishop of Sintang. The Archbishop of Semarang and Military Vicar of Indonesia, Justin Cardinal Darmojuwono, donated to him on 19 May of the next year, the episcopal ordination; Were co-consecrators Jerome Herculanus Bumbun OFM Cap, Archbishop of Pontianak, and Vitalis Djebarus SVD, Bishop of Ruteng.

On 1 January 1996, John Paul II accepted his resignation.


  • Lourdes, Obor 2008, ISBN 9789795654698 ( Indonesian)