ISO 3166-2:SC

The list of ISO -3166 -2 codes for Seychelles contains the codes for the 23 administrative districts of the Seychelles.

The codes are composed of two parts which are separated by a hyphen. The first part is the country code again according to ISO 3166-1 ( for Seychelles SC ), the second the code for the county. The current country code has been updated in the eighth newsletter of 17 April 2007 (PDF) last.

Since the last update in 1998 two more districts from parts of the district Plaisance have been created, Les Mamelles and Roche Caiman, which are not yet included in this list. These two districts emerged largely through land reclamation. In addition, the list does not take into account the following additional changes: The district Anse Louis was renamed Au Cap 1998. La Rivière Anglaise is officially only under the English names English River in use. The districts of Grand ' Anse, Mahé and Praslin are officially written without an apostrophe, just omitted the accent aigu at Anse Etoile. The district Bel Ombre is occasionally also written in official documents Belombre.

The sparsely populated Outer Islands, which belong to any of the districts, no ISO 3166-2 code have.
