Italian general election, 1963

  • PCI: 166
  • PSI: 87
  • PSDI: 33
  • PRI: 6
  • Otherwise:. 4
  • DC: 260
  • PLI: 39
  • PDIUM: 8
  • MSI: 27

The parliamentary elections of 1963 were held on 28 April 1963. They were the fifth after the end of World War II and the introduction of universal male and female suffrage.


Aldo Moro, a leading representative of a left " corrente " ( wing ) of the DC, joined the Office of the Prime Minister and led with changing cabinets, a center-left coalition, in addition to the Christian Democrats, the Social Democrats and the Republicans for the first time since 1947, there were socialists again. After the PSI since about 1956 gradually took off his revolutionary heritage and a radical reformism turned (about the nationalization of major parts of industrial production and primary care ), he could also implement this as well as not in the government with the conservative camp.

