Jaap Wessels

Jaap Wessels ( born January 19, 1939 in Amsterdam, † 30 July, 2009 Veldhoven ) was a Dutch mathematician who dealt with stochastic ( Markov ) decision-making processes. He was a professor at the Technical University of Eindhoven.

Wessels studied at the University of Amsterdam with a diploma degree in 1963 (he was assistant there from Jan Hemelrijk ) and in 1968 at the Technical University Eindhoven in Jacques Benders doctorate (Decision Rules in Markovian Decision Problems with Incompletely Known Transition Probabilities ). It was established in 1973 Professor of Applied Probability Theory at the Technical University Eindhoven, where he was emertiert 2000. Wessels remained active EURANDOM Institute (European Institute for Statistics, Probability, Stochastic Operations Research and its Applications ), which he had founded in 1997 in Eindhoven with Michael Sylvester Keane ( born 1940 ) and Willem van Zwet (* 1934).

He was first known for work on Markov decision processes, and later he worked on queuing theory, neural networks and structured Markov processes.

His doctoral include Kees van Hee, Henk Zijm (University of Twente ), Eric van Damme ( Tilburg University ), Jo van Nunen (University of Rotterdam, 1945-2010 ), Jacob Wijngaard, Geert -Jan van Houtum (Eindhoven ) and Wil van der Aalst.


  • Publisher with Andrzej P. Wierzbicki, Marek Makowski: Model-based decision support methodology with environmental applications, Kluwer 2000
  • Rekenen with Opportunities and Combating, Groningen, Wolters- Noordhoff 1969