Jacob Johan Hastfer

Jakob Johann von Hastfer ( born December 11, 1647 Reval, † December 24, 1695 in Riga) was a Swedish Field Marshal and Governor General of Livonia.


Count Jakob Johann von Hastfer came from the Hastfer family and was a son of Ewold of Hastfer ( † after 1678 ) and the Emerentia Veronika von Mengden († 1676 ). The marriage produced three daughters and one son, Earl Ewold Hastfer emerged, however in 1695 before Namur remained, making the count's house Hastfer already went out again.

Hasfer was lifted in 1678, the Baron of Kostfer and Middewa in the Swedish baron, in 1687 as Count of grip Borg in the Swedish count conditions. He was also Owner of the Manor at Wibyholm, Claestrop, Sidholm and Mellerd.

In 1986 was Hastfer Governor General of Livonia. He continued in this office, the goods of Charles XI reduction. with utmost care to. In 1687, he served as royal council with the rank of lieutenant-general of the infantry, and was in 1690 Field Marshal.

Hastfer was a major supporter of the founding of the University of Dorpat by the Swedish king Karl XI. In 1690 he was then Chancellor of the University of Dorpat.
